Sweta Portfolio

My Career Aspirations

An accomplished Product Manager with a passion for leveraging AI, ML, IoT, and Cloud-based technologies, I am actively seeking new opportunities within the Product domain. My professional expertise is in delivering impactful products and organizations, and I am dedicated to driving growth within this segment.

With a keen interest in the emerging trends and technologies that are shaping the Product industry, I am an aspiring Product Manager with a deep understanding of diverse product management practices. My goal is to evangelize the importance of effective product management, leveraging my extensive knowledge to help businesses achieve their objectives and stay ahead of the competition.

In my work, I bring a wealth of experience in building and managing high-performing teams and delivering exceptional results. I am committed to using my skills and expertise to make a meaningful impact, driving innovation and success within any product-based industry.


Personal Quote

"As a product manager, my success is measured by intentional action, determination, perseverance, and focused steps, not accolades. I am determined to achieve greatness in the coming years."


Sweta Leena Panda
Personal Blog : elifematters.com
Full time Job / Part Time Job / Freelance
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/swetaleenapanda/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@swetaleenapanda7794/videos
Twitter : https://twitter.com/LeenaPanda/